Tuesday, January 11, 2011

When you think Tim McGraw...

Just finished The Blind Side. I have to think that there aren't too many people who saw that movie and came away saying "meh." I tried to think of how I could be a really mean critic on this one - like titling the post "The Hind Side" or "But it finished in the 98th percentile in sucking" - and just generally how much of an jackass I could be, because this was a movie where I feel like not only would that not represent my opinion but it might actually offend people's sensibilities. Regardless, I loved it. I feel totally inspired.

The Blind Side, the story of the salvation of Michael Oher, is worthwhile because it presents such a hopeful view of humanity. We can think that people like Oher only have the power to help themselves, and choose not to, or we can think that people like Oher are hopeless cases, so jaded by life that they can't do what it takes to be happy. Realistically though, through the charity and action of others these kids can get a second chance, and Oher is living proof of that. It's really an incredible story. Kicks the crap out of the "golden-voiced homeless man" phenomenon, I'll tell you that.

That being said, this was a weird movie. For the first 45 minutes I felt like I was on the verge of balling over this kid. Before the end there's a lot of silly comedy and some sports too (I would have to say it wasn't really a sports movie though). Highly recommended.

I guess this blog title didn't really have enough to do with the post to justify using it. It just makes me think of Taylor Swift anyway.

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